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Dumbılcım Platinum 55 KG Barbell Set 55 KG Dumbbell Set Weight Set Bodybuilding Tool

2.099,90 TL
Brand Dambılcım
Editor’s advice

Dumbılcım Platinum 55 KG Barbell Set + Dumbbell Set
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With the new generation Dumbılcım Platinum series, kilograms are written on all weights. With its much more durable and long-lasting structure, it allows you to use it for many years.

You can continue your work at the highest level with our dumbbell set and barbell set with the best price / performance ratio for home use.

Our products are shipped directly from production to you.


Product content

2 pieces of 40 cm short bar

1 piece 150 cm long bar

Our bars are galvanized. It is of incomparable quality with non-durable bars with foam inside. Thanks to the stoppers at the ends, special precautions have been taken for the health of the athletes.


The weights are fixed with special design, new generation steel compression springs, they are resistant to very high pressure.


It is specially designed and provides ideal usage opportunities. Our 150 cm long bar has been tested up to 120 kg and carries it without any problems.


4 x 2,5 Kg Plate

2 x 5 Kg Plates

4 x 7.5 Kg Plate

The weight plates of our dumbbell set are 1st quality plastic coated and filled with special mortar. It is impossible to burst and disperse.


Even if it is specially cut / drilled, its contents do not flow or scatter. It is very long lasting.


After our weights are placed in a thick, durable carton, they are fixed with plastic strips. Afterwards, it is shipped to you by shrinking with 9 micron-thick packaging material in the shrink machine in order to prevent issues such as contamination / scattering during transportation. And it is presented to you as a ready-to-use barbell set / dumbbell set.


All of our products are original, new and sent with an invoice on your behalf.
