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Bofigo Folding Table Balcony Garden Camping Table Picnic Table White

1.199,90 TL
Barcode 0093674171893
Brand Bofigo
Editor’s advice

Bofigo 60x80cm Folding Table


100% Turkish Made, Production place is Izmir.



60x80 Folding Balcony Garden Table Picnic Table Beach Table


The metal parts of our products are thick profile and painted with electrostatic oven paint. You will not encounter problems such as rusting and blackening. It has a solid body structure with the thick profile used.

Manufactured using premium quality wood. It is 60x80 cm in size. When opened, its height from the ground becomes 65 cm.



The opening and closing mechanism is metal spring and designed for long years of use. It has an incomparable longevity with cheap models that use only plastic clamps.


A hard spring is used for safety.

Our product can be folded easily. You can easily place it in the trunk of any vehicle.

It offers ideal use as a garden, summer house, picnic, balcony, camping, beach, travel table.
